Do You Need A Drip Edge Around Your Roof?

If you find large patches of mold on your fascia boards, soffits, or gutters, you may need to replace the drip edge on your roof. A drip edge is flashing that lines the edges of a roofing system. If the drip edge on your roof cracks or deteriorates, it can leave the edges of your roof and home open to water damage. Learn more about drip edges and why you need to replace yours below.

How Does a Drip Edge Protect Your Roof and Home?

The edges of your roof contain some of the most important components in your roofing system: the fascia boards and soffits. The edges of the roof should feature a thin layer of flashing called drip edge. Drip edge directs rainwater and melting ice away from your fascia boards and soffits during the year. If the drip edges on your roof break down or crack, water will soak into the fascia boards and soffits. The structures will eventually attract mold.

If the flashing around your roof is damaged, it will appear lifted or warped. The nails or fixtures that secure the flashing to the surface of your roof may be missing or covered with rust. The flashing will also look faded or mottled.

If you notice issues with your drip edge flashing, call a roofer right away.

How Do You Replace Your Drip Edge?

A roofing contractor can visually and physically examine the drip edge on your roof. If a roofer finds something wrong with your roof's drip edge flashing, they'll replace it. A contractor will most likely replace the flashing with something stronger, such as aluminum or steel.

If the shingles laying under the drip edge contain large amounts of moisture, a roofer will replace them as well. A roofer may need to install a layer of felt under the shingles during the repairs. 

You may also want to have a roofer replace the fascia boards and soffits on your roof during the visit. Even if a contractor removes the mold from the boards and soffits, the fungus can still cause issues for your roof later. Mold can grow on organic roofing structures, such as shingles and felt. You may need to replace your entire roof if it becomes covered with mold.

If you need assistance repairing or replacing the drip edge flashing on your roof, don't hesitate to call a roofing contractor for services today.

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